Porn News

Mandy Mynx: John Steven Forbush Metro Talent Management Model, Crigslist, No Work, Drugs, Fucking John, Trailer Trash, Extortion

Before you read this I want to point out that the Mandy Mynx gave me permission to post this as you will read in the story below. I’m going through John Forbush Models from his fraud agency Metro Talent Management one by one and getting a ton of shit on John to post so this is one of many. I will have all his models removed soon, and then for the fun part about what I have been waiting to release about him Michael Thomas Strother and Shy Love and others. that will be the final checkmate for the Feds to finish them off with.


Gene Ross

You with Metro yea?

Mandy Mynx

Yes but they haven’t found me work. I signed with them before Christmas

Gene Ross

How long you been with John? and how well do you know him

Gene Ross

we need to talk

Gene Ross

you are in danger

Gene Ross

BIG danger

Mandy Mynx

My cell is REMOVED

Gene Ross

how well do you know John Steven Forbush?

Mandy Mynx

REMOVED is the correct one

Gene Ross

cant call u sorry

Mandy Mynx

Not well.

Mandy Mynx

I know he did drugs to fuck candy coxx but then she gave him blue balls and kicked her off the agency

Gene Ross

can we talk here

Mandy Mynx

He tried to fuck me too but I said no. He hasn’t found me any work. Payton has been busy but she tries to get Me something

Gene Ross

wow really

Mandy Mynx

Yes we can talk

Mandy Mynx

Yes really

Gene Ross

thats not even the half of it though

Mandy Mynx

I took my ex to john. Dray stone and john would talk shit about him. Dray moved to oc modeling

Gene Ross

if not read it fully first

Gene Ross


Gene Ross

my sites just got moved today so the images are not loading yet but will later hopfully

Mandy Mynx

I read it.

Mandy Mynx

He tried to send me to Miami to pimp me out. I said no

Mandy Mynx

He never got me any work

Gene Ross

Have you met him in person?

Gene Ross

how did u meet him?

Gene Ross


Gene Ross

u there?

Mandy Mynx

I met him through craigslist. Posted an ad

Mandy Mynx

Yes I met him once with dray for go sees and another time for a party. Luckily this other girl and I stayed the night in his trailer. So nothing happened

Gene Ross

Can u secretly tell me where his trailer is?

Gene Ross

is it the address i have posted

Gene Ross

this stays between us

Gene Ross

your being helpful

Gene Ross

so i will leave you out of about whats to go down

Gene Ross

Johns in for some big trouble

Mandy Mynx

Its somewhere in the valley. Sorry don’t know the address. All I know its in front of a house that is being worked on.

Mandy Mynx

I don’t find john very professional. He wanted me to go up there to hangout with him. But I said no. He always told me he wanted to fuck me and asked about my personal life. He never got me work

Gene Ross

Yea he is a scammer

Mandy Mynx

I never trusted him.

Gene Ross

Why dont you get his photo off his site and take his info off your twitter?

Gene Ross

i can set you up with another agent if you like

Gene Ross

but most are scum these days

Mandy Mynx

Yes that would be great. Another agent would be good.

Mandy Mynx

What you mean info?

Gene Ross

the shit that about to go down will affect u if your conneted to him or metro

Gene Ross

you need to stand clear

Mandy Mynx

So delete my stuff about metro?

Gene Ross

yes get it off your twitter now and email him to remove your photos or you will sue him

Gene Ross

you can also send his host a DMCA to remove your photos

Mandy Mynx

I can’t delete myself from his site on metros page. I told him I quit a while back but he never took me off

Mandy Mynx

I just sent an email telling him to delete me or I’ll sue him

Gene Ross


Mandy Mynx

I don’t have their number and what do I say?

Gene Ross

If he doesnt take your photos down by tomorrow ill get you his hosting companies email address and tell you how to legally DMCA them down

Mandy Mynx


Gene Ross

is there any way u can get me his address?

Gene Ross

or confirm its the one posted

Mandy Mynx

I don’t know it. I can ask dray stone if he remembers it

Gene Ross

do u live in LA

Gene Ross

whats dray stones twitter

Mandy Mynx

No. I’m in REMOVED

Gene Ross

do u know about the REMOVED

Mandy Mynx

No I don’t know

Gene Ross

Phone brb

Mandy Mynx


Gene Ross

” Payton has been busy but she tries to get Me something” whos Payton?

Mandy Mynx

The co owner of metro

Gene Ross

she have a twitter?

Mandy Mynx


Mandy Mynx

John forbush 2012 arrest employment PORN STAR(1)

Metro’s facebook

Gene Ross

u sure she is partners with him?

That’s what john told me. She’s on the website of metro

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Mandy Mynx

John emailed me back saying he will remove me and he has a shoot for me.I have an idea…I’ll say I want to go up and that I need his address

Gene Ross

Yea and I bet he gives you a fake one

Gene Ross

this guy is huge trouble be very carful

Gene Ross

i bet its not even a real shoot

Gene Ross

there is no shoot babe

Gene Ross

i would be very very very careful

Mandy Mynx

I’ll say I want to hangout with him. I’ll rent a car and meet him at his place and I need the address.I’m just playing him.not gonna go see him. I don’t trust him

Mandy Mynx

Message dray stone. He might remember johns address

Gene Ross

I Tweeted him already

Mandy Mynx

Says he has a valid contract. And if someone is messaging me on here. I’m like no delete me or I’ll sue you. I told you I quit

Gene Ross

and yea be very carful and afraid as this guy is dangerous

Gene Ross

he is not bonded and is running a illegal agency

Gene Ross

he has no legal ground to stand on

Mandy Mynx

I told him if he didn’t delete me I’ll sue him. My uncle is a sheriff

Gene Ross

tell him if he dont remove it now you will DMCA him and his host and go public

Gene Ross

he will shit himself

Mandy Mynx

I told him I’ll sue him. Says I can pay 300 to end it. Bullshit

Gene Ross


Gene Ross

he is trying to extort you for 300 dollars?

Gene Ross

are you serious

Gene Ross

send me a screen shot now please

Gene Ross


Mandy Mynx

Okay hold on

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Gene Ross

let me post this please?

Mandy Mynx

He’s being stupid

Mandy Mynx

Yes go ahead

Gene Ross

ok great standbye give me an hour

Mandy Mynx


Gene Ross

what did u reply to him

Gene Ross


Mandy Mynx

Nothing yet

Gene Ross

reply and tell him that Gene Ross is doing a story on his extortion and helping you so the 300 dollars he can shove up his dirty fat gay Jew ass.

Mandy Mynx

Okay.he’s fat ugly broke and a loser

Gene Ross

yes he is and a scammer

Gene Ross

u dont know the half of it

Gene Ross

he is also a hacker

Gene Ross

and stealing peoples credit info

Gene Ross

he doesnt have your social does he?

Mandy Mynx

Good thing he doesn’t have my card info

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My reply to him

Gene Ross

HAHAHHAHAHA Thats fucking great

Gene Ross

im working on my server now trying to fix my site

Gene Ross

i just had to move it overseas cause of him and his fraud trying to take it down

Gene Ross

im going to ruin him

Gene Ross

i will put up a huge nice story about this and get you some work babe

Mandy Mynx

Haha right. Its true. He’s a fat,gay,ugly,trailer trash idiot

Gene Ross

give me a bit

Gene Ross

yes he is

Gene Ross

and a criminal scammer

Mandy Mynx

Thanks. But I’m done with porn. I’m trying to get into regular modeling/acting

Mandy Mynx

He can let some guy fuck him up the ass and make him his bitch. I’m sure he will enjoy that lol

Gene Ross


Gene Ross

how many scenes have you done??

Mandy Mynx

For John? Or total

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Mandy Mynx

I told him he’s gay. Heard he got double teamed by two guys and who would want to fuck his ugly fat ass. No wonder candy coxx didn’t fuck him lol


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This Post Has 25 Comments

  1. I see a disclaimer on those photoshopped emails. I’ll be contacting your hosting company again. – therealdwightcunningham

    I know for a fact John offered you multiple jobs.

    1. LOL You fat fucking scammer, You can contact my host all you want and just like it didnt work the first time it wont work this time. This time though they will ignore you and laugh at you. Also just for the record there is nothing that protects those emails from being posted here including your stupid little disclaimer, you stupid fuck.


      Also this site is no longer in the USA and not governed by DMCA or US law, so again you lose you stupid fat fucking loser.

      I am going to put you out of business and get you locked in jail where you belong. Let me get my popcorn BRB.

  2. I have to confess, the reason Dray Stone was dropped is he is a cross over male talent and I was not interested in representing him once discovering this. Which also severly limited the work Mandy Mynx was going to get when it became aware Dray Stone was sleeping with Mandy Mynx and that he was involved in Gay Escorting I could no longer get them work with our agency as it is a health hazard.

    1. LOL Prove it! Where is his gay porn? Post a link! Your a liar! If not prove me wrong now and post a link.

  3. Blue_ghost
    Miya Mynx REMOVED – mobile
    1/21/16 10:18 PM 4 months ago

    Miya Mynx: Fag donnie called me but i hit ignore 5:46 PM
    Miya Mynx: I think it would be funny if I replied to some Ads on craigslist for gay porn for Donnie lol 10:18 PM

  4. Right out of her mouth
    Miya Mynx: (1/2) I saw on twitter he signed a contract with oc modeling. I did porn cause Donnie kept pushing me into it. Now that I have a boyfriend who is a lot better t 10:05 PM
    Miya Mynx: (2/2) han Donnie I’m worried he will find out 10:05 PM
    Me: Donnie is Gay he’s not going to get work lmfao. 10:06 PM
    Me: go get tested, don’t introduce your boyfriend to any suprises. 10:06 PM
    Miya Mynx: He is gay. He did end up going to the avn. Go check out his twitter. Oh I got tested and I’m fine. I wonder if his sober house kicked him out lol 10:07 PM
    Me: Honestly I warned him about signing with sandra. She’s going to charge him for photos lmfao. 10:08 PM
    Miya Mynx: Donnie doesn’t care. He’s gay !!!his dick isn’t that great 10:10 PM
    Miya Mynx: He probably had a gay orgy with rick at the avn lmao 10:11 PM

  5. Well none of that proves he is gay or did gay porn. It only proves that you posted some text that could be real or fake of two people saying he is gay. WHERE IS THE LINK WITH PROOF HE DID A GAY VIDEO?

  6. Me: I’ll be sure to let him know your boyfriend did gay escorting he hates fags 12:37 PM
    +REMOVED: He’s not my bf 12:43 PM
    Me: He was he hates girls that fuck faggits, and thinks they shouldn’t do porn now watch he’s going to post your id on the internet 12:44 PM
    Me: I’m telling you he’s not going to help you, I have an email from rob black rob black didn’t sell the site the domain expired and someone is impersonating gene ross. 12:45 PM
    Me: and it’s donny long you just made yourself a spectacle. 12:45 PM
    Me: Hey so I had to reply to the post, the reason you can’t get work is you had sex with a cross over homo, I replied to it. Your not on Metro you are a health hazard now. 1:03 PM
    Me: what was ricks name the gay guy donny was doing privates with bought him cars etc so I can let them know. 2:44 PM
    Me: You started this let’s finish this. 2:46 PM

  7. Stop posting my number you fat fuck. You made shit up about Donnie. He’s not my boyfriend. We were friends. He likes girls. You did crack to fuck candy coxx but she didn’t want to fuck your fat,ugly ass. You offered me jobs but pimp jobs out of state.

    1. WOW Mandy I just removed you number not to worry. That fat fuck is not going to ruin my site or harass girls here.

  8. What “Donnie” Are you even talking about? Where is his twitter? Also Donny Long doesn’t out whores ID’s the PWL army does and you John so stop blaming it on Donny Long. Donny Long hates fags yes and everyone knows that yes.

  9. Donnie as in Dray Stone. John is full of shit. He’s a fat ugly fuck. He will enjoy being fucked by guys up the ass in prison. He likes being a little bitch and being told what to do lol

  10. Anyone know Forbush’s height and weight? We need it for his wiki and he’s listed at 170 on that police report. No way this fat ass is only 170.

  11. Donnie(Dray Stone) doesn’t do gay porn. John is just jealous cause Dray is young,hot,good body. While he is fat,ugly,old,scammer,fraud,broke and a total loser. He makes up so much shit about Dray that’s not even true. Let’s get him to serve jail time. He doesn’t deserve freedom

  12. I will no longer be communicating with you Donny Long you like to torment people I am myself and I will forever be that way. Donny at first I was mad about your false claims lies and bullshit post I think I am over it you can do what ever bullshit you want. You can make all the lies you want and you can have a good time doing it. You are Donny Long Gone, a man that has no soul.

    Have a good day

  13. John those are solo scenes not gay scenes, so you still have not backed up your lies. Also im not Donny Long but do have fun poking fun at a loser scumbag like yourself. You and Michael Thomas Strother aka Mike South are perfect for each other.

  14. The best scene to be played out for John Forbush will not be this however. Dont look over here L@@k over there by the grassy knoll.

    Entertainment at its finest. Staring John Forbush.
    Titled The Happy ending of a John but NOT YET
    By John Forbush for John
    Donald Duck will be proud

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