ny- posted on www.howardstern.com: Nicole Bass came into the studio to announce she needed help “starting things over” in her life. Nicole explained she used to own a gym until 1996, but she lost it when people stopped visiting because of construction that was being done to the sidewalk outside it. Nicole went on to say she wrestled and made other appearances since her gym closed, but added those opportunities stopped coming in as well. When Howard said he didn’t know what Nicole could do for a living given her “look,” Robin noted she was wondering the same thing. Howard then played a clip of Nicole when she worked as a phone-sex operator, but stopped it because she said it was too embarrassing to hear.
Nicole told Howard her financial situation was so bad she was fearful of being thrown out of her apartment and forced to live on the street. Howard then recommended Nicole try to get a job as a construction worker to help pay her bills, but she told him that wasn’t an option. Howard proceeded to take a call from an alleged New York police officer who claimed he had to go to Nicole’s apartment years ago and taser her after she was screaming in her apartment. Although the caller was able to describe some details of Nicole’s apartment, including that she had a pet snake, she promised Howard he wasn’t telling the truth.
Howard went on to take calls from listeners who had recommendations for how Nicole could make money, before getting back to Nicole’s phone-sex tape. In it, the caller told Nicole he had a fantasy that he was in a high school locker room and Nicole was his football coach who walked in on him training. However, Howard wasn’t able to get to anymore of the tape because Nicole started crying over her financial difficulties. As Nicole got into more details about her plight, Artie began saying “waaa,” which, despite her laughter, Robin noted was inappropriate.
Benjy asked Nicole how much money she needed to earn in order to pay her bills, and she said at least a few thousands dollars a month. Benjy replied jobs that paid that kind of money would be easy to find in New York, while Sal offered her $5 to “see her c*ck” and Richard offered $20 to arm-wrestle her. Nicole turned down both of the offers, though, and informed Howard she’d like to work for him at SIRIUS. Howard responded by telling Nicole he’d like to help her, but he didn’t have any positions for her to fill in the company. Nicole proceeded to say her mother died when she was young, and she didn’t know where her father or sister were, so she couldn’t turn to any of them for assistance.
Wayne Segal, a friend of Howard’s who sells Porsches, got on the line to offer Nicole a job as a parts driver until she found something more permanent. Gary then asked Nicole if she’d be willing to pose naked in a magazine so people could see her vagina, and added Robin was the only one who saw her private area. Although Robin claimed she couldn’t remember what Nicole’s vagina looked like, Gary recalled she was “wobbly” after viewing it, and that she said, “It’s not supposed to hang like that,” when she got out of the bathroom with her.
As she was leaving the studio, Howard informed Nicole he was sure someone in the audience would be able to get her a job, and he’d be in touch with her about it.
When Nicole came back into the studio, Howard gave her a vacation package as well as a certificate for a mattress. Artie then commented he was contemplating letting Nicole train him in the gym, while Bob [Levy] said he’d have sex with her on Howard TV for $10,000. Howard admitted he was intrigued with Bob’s offer, but advised him to talk to his ex-wife about it before making a commitment.