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Nicole London on Sports Swami-update

Porn Valley- Mom, former porn star and owner of Outback Productions, Nicole London was on the Sports Swami show Friday. Noting that she had a “cake in the oven,” Swami congratulated London, noting that she’s set to give birth in November.

London laughed about it being her last one. Swami said London had three sizable jobs and London said she handles them all by not sleeping. “I work really hard, but I’m lucky enough where I have an office out of my home,” she said. “I get to spend a lot of time here with the kids, get them to school, run down to Los Angeles- do what I need to get done- and come back up.”

For those who “live under a cave,” according to the Swami, London was introduced as the owner of Outback. She was asked how she got her start with that having been an adult film star. London started out working behind the camera, she said.

“I produced for other companies,” London explained. “I got hired by a company to produce a show for them. What basically happened is that the people [Justine Romee and her boyfriend Gil] had no concept of what was going on. And I never walked away from a job before in my life. I said I’m walking away from this one. I come to find out the money guy [Jay Andrews] called me. He said why are you walking? I went into it and one thing led to another. We partnered up. That’s how I got started. He was the money guy and I ran the company.”

London went on to say that she and another friend [Thomas Belvedere] subsequently bought Andrews out.

Being a performer London was asked if it was easier for her to relate to talent having been in their shoes. “I’m a little more open to how talent feels,” London answered.

“But I’m also very open to how my crew feels because I’ve been crew before.” That way London says she understands situations and emergencies on the set a little better. “I tend to be more lenient with it,” she says. “But I can tell when someone’s bullshitting me also,” she chuckles.

Swami points out that London, being a Jersey girl, may have an advantage toward an aggressive, take-no-prisoners stance. “Instead of a laid back California girl who’s live and let live, doesn’t create waves.” London says she speaks her mind and if she has a problem, she’s not afraid to confront someone. “I love the fact that I grew up on the east coast. I wouldn’t have it any other way,” she adds.

Noting that she had spent some time over in Japan, Swami was curious if she absorbed oriental business tactics and philosophies in the process. “Is there a difference between some of the Japanese adult film companies and the American adult film companies?” he wondered. London said she couldn’t answer that because she wasn’t involved in the industry when she was in Japan. “I was teaching English and I was totally in another world!”

London was also quick to point out that the Japanese culture’s amazing. “But my business sense comes from my upbringing. My family has a business on the east coast that I worked for for awhile. I went to school for accounting. I was vice president of a computer company years ago. So I’ve always been in the business end of it. But I wasn’t involved in it, in Japan.”

Noting that she’s intelligent, hails from a stable environment and a good home, Swami was curious why London chose to get into porn. London thinks that she was born a true exhibitionist. “That’s the only way I can state it,” she says. “I don’t fit the typical stereotype. I had a normal upbringing; a normal childhood. I went to school and got my education.”

London said she started dancing and paid her way her way through college that way. As did Quasarman, London met the late Trinity Loren. “Her and I wound up teaming up.” Consequently, before she even started movies, London said she did a lot of magazine work. “One thing led to another to another, but I think I’m a true exhibitionist.”

Swami asked London her take on the HIV crisis. London said she adhered to the 60-day moratorium. “I totally agree with that,” she said. “I was getting ready to shoot the following week. I totally halted production.” London notes that she’s been through few HIV scares and was herself quarantined in 1993 for six months. “It kind of brought back feelings to me that I had years ago,” she said. “I had to make a lot of decisions as far as what the company was going to do and where we were going to go.” London says as a result, she’s turned her company into a condom-only one. “I will never shoot a scene again without a condom.”

London also requires testing every two weeks. “My company is going to foot the bill for it. It’s not the talent’s responsibility. It’s ours to make sure that everyone on at least my set is safe.”

By the same token, London said if a company was shooting properly, it would have had enough movies in the can to cover their ass during the moratorium. “I had ten movies sittin in a can so it held me over,” she said. “It’s not like I lost anything. Now that I’m resuming again I had to double up on a couple of shoots. But that’s about it. It really didn’t affect me as far as the company was concerned.

Swami seemed to think that it was the talent that was getting hurt. “You’re paying these girls anywhere from $300 to a $1,000 a movie.”

London laughed at the idea of a girl being paid only $300. “Talent seemed to be the ones that were struggling,” she stated. “I helped a few out so they could pay their rent.” But London also has strong views on that, too. “I’ve been in this situation where I couldn’t work,” she said. “But I never had a problem. I always had money put away.” London said with the money that talent now makes, she believes that they should have it in reserve.

“If they don’t they’re never going to have it.” London also pointed out that the moratorium lasted 30 days, not the original 60. “If you can’t go a month without working, maybe you should re-think your financial situation a little bit.”

Swami, arguing on behalf of talent, said they have to make their own medical, insurance as well as rent and other bills. “The rich get richer and the talent get stuck where they are,” he offered.

London said she has a hard problem with that notion. “I’m a mother. I went through two pregnancies on my own, supporting myself. I didn’t work while I was pregnant. I went through basically not working seven months at a time. But I got involved behind the camera. There’s absolutely no reason for not being able to pay your bills if you’re not working for 30 days.”

London advises taking one-third of your check every time you’re paid and put it in savings. “It’s a simple thing. Put it away.” London is also of the opinion that porn companies aren’t getting as rich as people think. “We’re a new company and we’re doing good. But because I’m a company owner doesn’t mean I’m pulling in a half a million dollars a year. I take a very minimal monthly salary. I want to make sure that the money stays in my company and it succeeds.”

Swami’s still of the opinion that companies are somehow taking advantage of porn performers. “Let’s say you sell The Violation of Kim Chambers. You’ll get most of the profits made from that. You pay Kim Chambers a flat fee.” Swami said he was using Chambers as an example because she and London get along so well. “It’s a flat fee, that’s it and you guys get the rest of the money.”

London said that was correct as far as the movies are concerned. “But then the girls have an option to take the name that they have built for themselves and go on the road dancing, go feature,” as London also pointed out. London said when she was dancing she was making a helluva lot of money. “I was making more money dancing than I was making videos. And then there’s magazines. Now there’s all these cable stations where girls can go on and get paid for having a show.

“There’s comic books and there’s so much,” London continued. “If they’re just looking at making a living off the industry itself, the average career is maybe a year now. It’s not going to happen. It’s not like years ago when girls were around for 6 , 8 years. The average girl is around for a year now. She’s got to be able to make her name and utilize that to do other things.”

London again emphasized the fact that the companies are not making the kind of money the world seems to think they are. On the issue of age, Swami was also under the assumption that the industry is going the way of pro sports and drafting talent out of high school. London said she had a friend whose 16 year-old granddaughter already had sights on becoming a porn star when she turned 18.

“I was actually shocked to hear this,” London said. “How do these girls know this? Years ago it was a taboo and there wasn’t as many girls. It wasn’t like the girls were seeking out the companies. The companies were seeking out the girls. There’s no problem getting talent this time.” London says it’s her belief that there should be an age limit.

“If you’re 18, you are not mentally stable enough to make a decision that’s going to affect you the rest of your life,” she said. “This is something that does not go away.” London, 35, says she still has people that recognize her and come up to her in public. “I have to worry about when my kids are in school and I’m at a soccer meet- which parents are going to recognize me and is that going to affect my child.” Swami wondered if the companies could get together and set mandatory age limits.

“It’ll never happen,” says London. London said she couldn’t see the gonzo companies, who make their money off of teen movies, agreeing to a notion like that. And while she’s hired 18 year old girls in the past, London doesn’t make a habit of filling her cast with them.

“If I talk to her and she’s got a head on her shoulders and isn’t putting coke up her nose and is not out drunk or doing it because her husband or boyfriend is making her pay the bills, I will hire that girl.” On the other hand, London feels that older women have a sexuality that younger girls don’t and can’t have. London concedes that younger girls can play the cutesy game but don’t have a come-hither sexuality. “It just shows when you’re older; your sexuality grows.”

London says she thought she was hot shit at 20 and knew what was going on. “God, I knew nothing then.”

Swami brought up London’s ex Anthony Crane who’s now doing time. London who’s now re-married has a first anniversary coming up August 23rd. “He’s [Robert Hunington] wonderful,” she says. “I love him dearly; he’s amazing. He’s adopting my youngest daughter and he’s the father of the baby that’s on the way.” London said the relationship she had with Crane wasn’t a healthy one to begin with. “I met him when I was 17. It was like he was the rebel with the motorcycle and I was going, a-hah, I’m going to rebel against my parents.”

London said Crane had serious issues with alcohol and drug abuse. “Unfortunately I’ve never done drugs and I’m naive to the signs of it. Or I used to be. It progressed and progressed and progressed.” Drugs, according to London, was what ruined her marriage, not the industry. “My husband now when he was younger he had an addiction but he’s been clean for years and he’s a wonderful man.”

Noting that Crane has another two years in prison, London voiced the hope that he takes it as his last chance to open his eyes and realize that he’s killing himself.

London also describes herself as an overprotective mom who’s worried about her daughter growing up under society’s sexual influences and messages. “I don’t have porn in my house,” says London. “My oldest daughter is 8. She doesn’t know yet. I know she’s going to sooner or later find out- whether it’s me telling her or her finding out from somebody else what I did and what kind of business we have. What my business is doesn’t affect how I raise my children.”

London said she’s very strict at home when it comes to raising her children. “I have an honor role student, but I also have to teach her values.” London also feels her daughter doesn’t have to look sexy to succeed. “But of course being a woman you have an advantage and I’m the first one to admit that. But it’s not something you 100% need. It all starts with an education. And then you can use whatever else you have on top of using what you’ve learned through life. Utilize that, take it and go full force with it.”

London said she has college funds set up and wants an attorney and doctor like everyone else. “But you never know what route they’re going to take. Hopefully she won’t wind up in the adult industry. And I really don’t want my children to wind up in the adult industry at all. But when they’re 18, 19 or 20 what can you really say?”


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