Nikki Kane posts on her blog, : Current mood: aroused
I am just here, lovingly admiring my beautiful new toy. A Remington 870 12-gauge shotgun, which I’ve customized by equipping with a pistol grip kit and barrel shroud…next modification shall be a laser sight.
I can say, unequivocally, that this is most certainly the best purchase I’ve made since acquiring my Rolls Royce and Breitling Colt GMT timepiece. I’ve been meaning to take it to the shooting range in Burbank with a handful of friends in tow, yet have not managed to do so. It definitely needs to be broken in though. Unfortunately enough, I have not had a chance to take drunken pictures with it yet as I did with the b.b. gun of a rifle that is my .22 (figuratively speaking, of course…it is an actual rifle, incase the sarcasm was lost on you)…but I’m sure I will soon enough…so here’s a sampling of the few pics I have had a chance to take. Enjoy…I am going to sit here and play with meh gunn a little more. Is it wrong to get so aroused by a shotgun? I think not…lol.