(WEST COAST, USA) — In the month of November, ONLY 25 men will be given court in a suite of Caesar’s finest. Present will be masses of Caesar’s and the Worlds Fairest Goddesses. For your pleasures there will be an IN ROOM Craps table, Roulette table, Black Jack Table, and Slots machines.
A pianist will play as Rome burns HOT on a Grand Piano with the embers and flames of a fireplace warming the air-conditioned room. Your view will be the finest facing South from Caesar’s highest marbled Pillars. All will be adorned in sheets and no more…Goddesses even less.
If a name of a beautiful woman of sexuality and fame comes to your mind…she will be here. The limits of her pleasures to be set by each lady. If it is only the hands of some and the nectars of others, your company will be the finest. Caesar will see each of his warriors has chips to begin the night gambling as well as the finest in Wines, Cuban cigars, France’s Cognac and feasts of Beef , Lamb and Fowl.
Other refreshments shall be heaped upon tables for you to feast upon. For flesh, epicurean delights and fun you MUST attend this party. Directly to me you must answer. This will not be a free party and it will not be cheap. So those without means do not apply. I and my master Caesar will shower you with the best of our Kingdom…Join Us…………….
Your Goddess Ann and her Master Caesar…