This is the result when you don’t have command of your facts, comments like these:
Porno Dan writes: These are the plain and simple facts
All 3 performers who tested positive are friends that live in Phoenix. None of them worked with or had sex with each other on camera.
The male performer, Rod Daily only worked on the gay side of the industry and used condoms in his scenes.
His girlfriend, Cameron Bay, the first female performer who tested positive came forward and all of her on-camera partners tested negative.
The second female performer, who refuses to come forward, on-screen partners have all been tested and all of them were negative.
It is very clear that these transmissions occurred off camera and that if these people did not try and do porn scenes they probably would not know they have HIV.
No one in the adult industry industry got HIV on set; furthermore these three individuals with HIV now know they have it because of porn and will not spread it others.
Porn is not blame for what people do off camera and in this instance helped save lives.