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Sex advice from the older generation

Our egos would like to have us think that we know everything there is to know about sex, refusing to listen to other people’s advice because we already know it all. This is probably because the idea of getting it wrong really hurts us like we are failing at a very important aspect of our lives. The truth, however, is that sex is a learning curve, and we can actually hugely benefit from listening to other people’s stories. The best thing we can do is to hear out what people with experience have to say, and who knows better about sex than older people who have practiced it for 50+ years?

Tip#1 – Communicate

Over years of sexual experiences, we understand that psychology has got a big place in the world of sex. It is not enough for two people to get naked and expect for everything to work out, instead, you both need to talk to each other about it. What this means is you can have a chat about what the two of you like and don’t like; and what you plan to do once you get in bed. We’re not talking about a fully organized affair as this would take away some of the spontaneity from sex, but laying the grounds before your feet will make the both of you have a better time.

Tip#2 – Manage your expectations

This point is directly related to the idea of communicating, as talking a bit will allow you to set your expectations to the appropriate level; as well doing the same thing for your partner. So if your lover thinks that you’re a sex god when you’re just a run-of-the-mill type of guy, then they’re going to set themselves up for disappointment further down the line. If however, you do announce yourself as ‘just a bit of fun’; then your partner will adjust their hopes accordingly. Not everyone wants to know they are with the best partner they could get, and inexperience can bring its own charms to the situation. Having a more realistic picture of what is going to happen and both of you will allow both of you to set yourself up so you can still climax later.

Tip#3 – Make mistakes

Years of making mistakes allow you to find out what doesn’t work, you can’t find out those things any other way. You can’t just be told: “that doesn’t work” until you really see it for yourself. We’re not saying that you should set yourself to fail, but instead try things even if you’re not sure how they work. You’ll get it wrong before you get it right, and it is that learning curve in between that will become your best ally. Through it, you will develop independent learning by discovering your own pace and how you do things. Remember, we all got our different ways to learn, we just need to create that path for ourselves.

Tip#4 – Long-term and one night stands

Practice makes perfect, but it can be difficult when you’re going from one partner to the next. Sure you will learn a lot of common things that people like, but having that one person you can take things deeper with is where a lot of learning happens. Most people can have orgasms, but that pleasure can be intensified as you truly get to know that person over months and years of practice. It is not just about giving others pleasure, but also about how you please yourself. You might think you enjoy sex now, but the better your partner knows you the more pleasure you will feel. Your best play is to have both casual encounters and long-term partners, to play both the short and long game.There are many other things we can learn from mature people, and we shouldn’t be scared to use older dating sites to hook up with a few of them, even going as far as granny dating on

Your best play is to have both casual encounters and long-term partners, to play both the short and long game.There are many other things we can learn from mature people, and we shouldn’t be scared to use older dating sites to hook up with a few of them, even going as far as granny dating on Granny Contacts. After all, reading an article is one thing, but getting the real advice straight from the source is so much better!


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