IAFD May 31st 2020 deceased list update
*** In the IAFD pornstar Murder death section (Ever early March 2020 AD): *** * There is now a total of 55 murder deaths (January 1970 – May...

Reddit has gone full communist far left retard mode
Watch this & Share with your friends if you absolute dislike Leftism, The Far Left, Antifa, Gay Mafia, Mentally ill Libtards, the Transgender agenda, Communism, Democratic socialism, Bernie...

Christian Wians associates dropping like flies
@christianxxx1 the hardest part about getting older is seeing friends, relatives, acquaintances, classmates, and colleagues all pass away in a steadily increasing stream. Its no fun and honestly...

Holiday Commercial – Visit Las Vegas – The Check Out – What Happens Here Stays Here – In Your Face Gay Ad, Comments And Ratings Disabled
These marketing companies try to make being bisexual and gay “hip and cool” and normal but they disable the comments and the ratings on this YouTube video which...