Heterophobia going wild on Twitter
@MarkDice Lots of heterophobia on twitter today from #HeterosexualPrideDay being the top trend. Liberals hate everything that’s normal. @JHarris0540 Replying to @MarkDice Modern Americans do hate the...

Whiny Titty Babies Twitter Suspend Prominent Alt-Right Accounts, Have No Issues With Trump Death Threats From Angry, Violent Liberals!
Twitter released a new set of tools on Tuesday that could finally stop the unregulated craziness that happens on Twitter – Unless the “craziness” comes from liberals at...

Double Standards: Leslie Jones’ Racist Twitter History
It was Ghostbusters actress Leslie Jones’s reporting of Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos to Twitter that appears to have finally given them the cover to do something they’ve long yearned for: permanently ban...

Why is the NFL Losing White Fans?
Peter Bradley, American Renaissance, October 1, 2016 It may be too many black players and too much black-power activism. The National Football League (NFL) continues to shed viewers....