Prop 60 Is Complete And Utter Bullshit – Cameron Reed & Cameron Bay Are Spokespeople For It, Both Got HIV From Gay Men
Who is dumb enough to vote yes on this bullshit? Cameron Bay And Cameron Reed are acting like victims in the Yes On Prop 60 spots but both...

#HeterosexualPrideDay and #WhiteHistoryMonth trend on Twitter, “Minorities” and Homosexuals get upset
Because people are sick and tired of pandering to homosexuals and blacks and other minorities, #HeterosexualPrideDay and #WhiteHistoryMonth have been trending on Twitter which upset whiny gays and...

Omar Mateen former lover: Shooting was revenge after he had sex with HIV+ man during gay threesome!
Did we here at Adultfyi call this or what? This was no hate crime or terror attack, it was a bitter homosexual wanting revenge on other homosexuals. Cut...

#StopTheHate hashtag: Give it a rest
Without getting too “PWL” on you, it must be said: This #StopTheHate hashtag that is trending on social media is complete and utter bullshit. Omar Mateen was a...