Where’s the money coming from, Tompkins?
Tompkins is taking pride in his land and home. Not bad for a convicted felon who recently completed probation. Here’s the thing, Tompkins isn’t making enough money from...

Is Mercedes Carrera a Hypocrite?
Mercedes Carrera is very outspoken about liberals, feminists, and a huge supporter for Veterans. The thing that bothers me about her, and it’s bothered me for a while,...

Pornstars at AEE advise security about Sean Tompkins
Certain pornstar(s) who got into feuds with 50 year old porn stalking loser Sean Tompkins and were victims of his bullying, alerted security at nightclubs about him. From...

Sean Matthew Tompkins of TFPWL fame creates “Tom South” Twitter handles
Twitter‘s biggest troll is at it again. Must be nice to be 50 and to be able to be a troll online for a living in between doing...

Grace Evangeline is back to whoring
First off, I wouldn’t consider this woman to be a pornstar. She has no rewards under her belt and she hasn’t done anything that would classify her as...

Whois XXXstarpr? Cindi spiegler? Howard cohen? Cindi spiegler = Howard cohen = xxxstarpr?
Well guys I am back that’s for sure and now that I am back the shit is flying all over the Gene Ross headquarters in all directions. I...