Porno Dan sends this:
5 47 pm LA Direct Models bring girls for a go-see to meet Porno Dan at the Immoral Productions studio
Bud from LA Direct asks, “Do you like them”
Porno Dan, “Of course, they all have blonde hair’
Rick asks them to do jumping jacks – which they happily do
5 51 pm Jessie and Rick sitting on couch outside Porno Dan’s office
Jessie, “I am getting bored” to Rick
Rick, “Let’s shoot content now”, gets camera and they rendezvous in the bathroom
5 58 pm Jessie makes move
Jessie, “Your penis is like a banana it points upward , it is hard to suck and look at the camera”
Rick, “Get down lower, yeah, mmmmm, that’s it, oh yeah”
6 19 pm Jessie needs Visine
Jessie, “You came in my eye, I hate you Rick”
Rick, “Don’t move, let me take a picture”
6 27 pm Jessie is still not moving
Jessie, “Can I please move”
Rick, “No, I am trying to take a picture still”
Jessie, “Beware, next time I am going to squirt in your eye”