Interview by Alex Zander for MK ULTRA Magazine Online
B Movie Starlet and Porn Star Victoria Marie “Corina” Taylor blasts’s Nik Ritchie, Shelley Lubben, Christianity in her life and the vicious Bible Beaters of Arkansas as she re-establishes her career with new projects, talks about motherhood, the loss of her own mother and maintains she’s still the rock n roll girl we met over half a decade ago.
We at MK ULTRA were completely unaware of the existence of one of our most popular ViXXXens, Miss Corina Taylor. It was in the early quarter of 2004 that she submitted her photos to us to be a mk ultraviXXXen and almost a year later we discovered her porn past.
Since then she embarked on a hasty hiatus from the industry, made a handful of appearances on the Howard Stern show, appeared in a Monster Magnet video, several appearances on HBO’s “Real Sex” series, made the pages of the gossip tabloid The Star in which she is un-romantically linked to actor Jared Leto, become a mother and is making her return to the adult industry with a lil help from none other than MK’s founder Alex Zander.
But that was Sept 12, 2005 and a lot has changed. Her daughter is in school, she’s been married twice, has not done an X rated film since 2004 and is still dealing with the prejudices of the people in her home state Arkansas while being manipulated by “anti-porn” advocate Shelley Lubben and been the victim of harsh online attacks at
Over the past summer Victoria Marie Taylor as she is known now got back in touch with me anxious to share her experiences on the set of a new film, “Silicone Assassin” starring Richard Hatch. Over the months we’ve talked a lot on the phone and decided for many reasons it would be a good time for an interview if for no other reason than to clear the air about more than a few misconceptions about her thought and word and words taken out of context an even twisted.
We did the following interview online the eve before she was to take flight back to LA to shoot a music video in support of the “Silicone Assassins” project.
Though I have nothing less that respect and have had nothing but positive experiences with the likes of Red Light District, their staff and filmmakers as well as some of the other people she brought up, I decided to leave the interview unedited and use her exact words, which at time I do counter, especially when it comes to the most recent Measure B legislation which passed in LA County just a few weeks ago.
After all, Gay Marriage is gaining acceptance by law, marijuana is being legalized in many states yet condom use has been mandated and will be enforced by law in Porn Valley, it’s a hard pill to swallow, especially for someone who is a life long supporter of Freedom of Choice, and of Expression.
For respect for her Freedom of Expression this is her word for word interview.
Alex Zander: I’m happy we’ve been back in touch since summer. We were pretty good friends there for awhile. Are you still a rock n roller?
Victoria Taylor: Alex, you are a breath of fresh air. I still let people know to this day that you and the guys at MK Ultra are some of the most genuine and just awesomely cool people that I have met in my career. I believe that you already know that I was born to rock-n-roll, so of course I am definitely still a little rocker chick and I am proud of that being a part of who I am. I was raised on rock.
I was raised on Ozzy and GNR and ZZ Top. I actually played GNR Aerosmith and John Lennon for my mom’s services when she passed away back in Feb of this year. She always wanted rock played when she made her final departure and I made sure that happened. I will definitely want that for myself. Now I feel a little morbid!!!
AZ: What are you listening to these days? What bands are you seeing?
VT: Let’s see …Well I am still listening to pretty much the same bands that I have for quite sometime. When I download music on Itunes , I am almost always downloading older songs as my new songs. I am very much still into Marilyn Manson, that is may favorite band.
I think Manson himself would make an awesome professor, I would like to have him for like an “Existentialism” professor as odd as that may sound. I still listen to Hole, Orgy , Sevendust, and a whole lot of Guns N Roses and Slash’s music outside of GNR. I think Myles Kennedy is an amazing vocalist and him and Slash really rock on their new music. I just went to a Red Hot Chili Peppers concert and it was packed , they have a huge following down here in Little Rock. I also listen to a lot of 80s bands like Dokken, Cheap Trick, The Crue, Skid Row, Lita Ford. The last few songs that I downloaded were “Cherry Bomb” by The Runaways, “Youth Gone Wild” and “Learning To Fly “, by Pink Floyd for a finishing touch. I also still have my little 80′s pop side too so I listen to Bowie, Depeche Mode, Pop Will Eat Itself.
AZ: Anyone new you really like?
VT: Old is new to me. Hehe . I am really not that much into the newer stuff that’s out there right now. I will say that the new Deftones single Tempest is super amazing, I can’t wait for the rest of their stuff to be available. Staind has a great single out.
I am very picky. Five Finger Death Punch is a good nu metal band. I hope someone saves rock n roll, and you can add that Dorian Starchild had made the offer and is up for the challenge. (Dorian Starchild is an up and coming young guitar player from Chicago, IL who is now romantically involved with porn film / fetish performer Aiden Starr
AZ: Have you had anymore brushes with celebrities or rock stars since Jared Leto?
VT: Celebrities hmmm? You mean each time I touch my _____. Kidding. Well, I got to meet Jay Gordon recently. He may have been up for the “Leto” challenge , but I wasn’t sure so I just took a picture with him. He was a super nice guy to me and to his fans that turned out for the show. It was very low key and completely unannounced and so I felt like a stalker when I showed up to the show but it turned out to be a great birthday gift, I got to meet Jay so. He didn’t charge me like $150, so that was good, too. I am on a mission to boycott those VIP packages.
AZ: How is living in Arkansas? Funny that you and Gauge live in the same state.
VT: Gauge I met once at KSEX in LA and she was cool from what I remember and cute and really petite. A lot of us girls in that industry are petite little pistols, Actually Gauge really is a pistol and I highly doubt that she would have put up with a smidgen of what I have dealt with in recent months from people in my homestate. She needs to call me and come and help me whip some serious ass! Actually that would be one serious sex duo on film , at least we can fantasize about it:).
AZ: You’re going to LA for a shoot this weekend, what is this for?
VT: This shoot is for a music video that were are filming for a theme song to the project that I have been working on titled “Silicon Assassin” A very cool rocker chick that goes by The Fabulous Miss Wendy is having us come in to LA to film a video that accompanies the excellent theme song that she did. It is very cute and catchy and when I heard it I was like okay this is perfect for this project and I am excited to meet her and work with her. If I am not mistaken Slash may have helped get Miss Wendy’s name on the map which is also very cool.
AZ: Who have you been working for and tell me about this Silicone Assassin film? As much as you can.
VT: This project was written by Brad Linaweaver and there are different segments with different directors on each one. Richard Hatch who is the main character “Silicon” of course, directed the first one and Ed Plumb who works with Irena Belle Films produced it, and he both directed and produced the third one “Dead Wreckoning” that I am in, Chris Olen Ray and Gerald Webb did the second segment.
Really it is this Sci-fi and politically based project that stars myself as Lady Twilight and Richard Hatch and then another female as these futuristic characters who are the three central actors and we are driven to use Ray guns and zap people and wipe them away from existence. They are all very different.
There are no two segments alike but yet they all still tie in together in one way or another. It is a brilliant concept and effort that I am happy be a part of. I helped to direct the little fight scene between myself and my female costar in the first one and now I am in talks to make an actual directorial debut in some things that will only be available on a future DVD version of these segments. I am very pleased with everything so far. I haven’t really been pleased with feeling a little bit shut out of some things.
I think that anytime someone who is a noted adult film star makes this kind of leap into a deal where they are acting alongside a longtime mainstream actor such as Richard Hatch, that there should be a little credit given to the person making this level of a crossover, but it seems that everyone seems to be centered on me being “just a pornstar” and not much else.
Which there is nothing wrong with being a pornstar at all, but there is something wrong when something that is rarely done by adult film stars happens and it seems to go virtually unnoticed. I am hoping that will change once we do an actual press party type of thing and a promoted launch of these. I know that the “Dead Wreckoning” trailer is available now for viewing on youtube which cool. (see here: )
Brad had this vision when he brought all of this to the table and I felt like he was on the cutting edge with his ideas since unfortunately everything seems to going digital and so I was just excited to try something new and to see what came of it. A lot of the people who work in t.v. are also trying out new digital projects and doing web series and all sorts of things and so I feel like this Silicon Assassin project is right on target with the direction that things seem to be headed.
AZ: What are those experiences like?
VT: These experiences have been good. I do believe that Richard Hatch is well aware of the work that I had done prior to working with him on this series.That is a good thing. He has huge fan base from his “Battlestar Galatica ” days and I was hoping that the “Corina Taylor” fanbase would catch on.
To be honest I didn’t know who any of the other actresses on this project were prior to this.. Richard is the star of this series. I am working under the name Vicki Marie Taylor and appeared in issue #3 of Mondo Cult as Vicki Marie Taylor. The magazine talked about how I got my start in the adult industry with Larry Flynt and winning his Hustler Magazine Contest.
I honestly entered it as a joke and look at everything I have done so far. It is really crazy when I sit back and think about it. I haven’t tried to hide anything about my adult film past in this project and really have no reason to.
I didn’t use the name Corina in print, but I know that people who follow my work will know that Corina is Vicki Marie Taylor. I originally started out trying to use Victoria Taylor because it allowed me to use my birth name and part of my adult name, but vicious people unleashed an attack of serious libel on the name and my likeness right when I was trying to land some of these slightly more mainstream types of roles. It was very heartbreaking to have deal with such malicious behavior but it didn’t slow me down at all. I am still working and still going so.
AZ: When we lost contact you were getting divorced from your first husband, at attorney I believe, what happened and why did you drop off the radar?
VT: My first husband, if you will remember seemingly wanted to be a porn actor himself and he didn’t stay true to me, he was cheating right out of the gate and cold and we were split after literally five months of dating, marriage, and divorce.
5 months was the extent of that debauchery. I did give birth to a daughter, a gorgeous girl named Savannah, I had at one time received an offer to fly out and do some things exclusively with Penthouse and I turned them down and to this day I have regretted doing that. So now I try and live by that whole no regrets thing.
I dropped out of the adult industry following some events in which I was put into situations that I did not wish to be in that caused horrific drama and a turn of events at one point and I got fed up and bought a plane ticket home to AR.
Even after the trauma I had originally planned on returning to LA but then found myself in a dream world where I thought that I could be a happy mom and be treated normal and with respect and just be normal for a while and that theory was proven wrong to me repeatedly. I guess that I thought much higher of the human race until I encountered such extreme levels of ignorance at home that I gave up on people in general.
I suffered severe mounds of harassment at home as family members of mine including my mother. She was harassed even during her last months of life by people telling her that her “daughter was whore that didn’t deserve to be loved” and I got so many threatening things said and done to me.
I have had the state of AR try and set me up at least twice and blindside me with bs and all they knew about me was that I was a pornstar. I have my personal property literally vandalized repeatedly. There are times that I still feel unsafe, like I may walk outside and be a victim of a car bomb that could even seriously hurt by innocent daughter. I have literally been dealt shit from the most psycho of the psycho in existence in the human race. I have been biblically abused . Just Bible battered for my work as an adult film star.
The thing that gets me is that these people need one serious fucking history lesson to go with their Bibles! They say that it speaks out against porn here! B-u-l-l-s-h-i-t! Pornography hadn’t even been invented when the bible was written. Thomas Edison hadn’t even come along and invented the damn “Kinetescope” when the first Bible was written! How in the hell can something be spoken out against in a book that was written well before it was ever even fucking invented??!!!! I am still waiting on an answer to this one !
I would like to add that I have felt very sorry my daughter in a lot of ways to have to be an indirect victim of this sick stuff that I have done and said because she saw what it did to me, she saw it drag me down to the ground and there would be days that she would just sit at the end of my bed and play because there days where I just literally couldn’t move at all.
It just sucked the energy and life right out of me and I existed but I wasn’t really living if that makes any sense. I had so much fun my career and it was made into a negative and ugly thing to the point it even had my mom who actually supported and loved me no matter what, there was a time where people turned the heat up so much with their trashy shit that my mom and I were at each others throats over it and I regret every last moment of it now.
She was in poor health and neither one of us deserved it. Hell to be honest Alex, nobody deserves it. Even people she went to high school with pretended to be her friend at one point two years ago and then showed up in a 3 am drunken stupor beating on the door and got my mom up out of bed and was screaming and hollering that everyone in town now thought that she was a whore because she was seen with her daughter.
Alex you would be sick if you knew everything that was done to me and my home over my adult film work. It is heartbreaking that people really are just that sick out there and would do those types of things. It burns me up to the last umph. I mean they went so far as to steal photos of me and put me up on websites with printed libel and I have had to go knock on attorneys doors over all of this harassment.
There are so many factors as to why I disappeared or seemed to have disappeared. I assuming that everything that I have experienced over these past few years is why Jealousy is listed as one of the seven deadly sins because it is evident that it will drive people literally to the point of madness.
I have witnessed it first hand living here in AR. I almost feel like I am giving the sick minded the attention they were after but at the same time, it is hard not to talk about because of the damage that it has done, even to my person. They don’t know me. They know what they see me doing in photos or what I tweet about, etc. They don’t know my big heart and that I am a good mom and that I don’t treat others subhuman , which is the treatment that I have gotten a whole lot of.
AZ: You got married again and this one is a Christian that correct? How did you meet and how did he change your life and what is his career?
VT: I think I was quick to remarry because I wanted to show that someone out there did want me for more than just sex regardless. That was the whole game, that I was just a piece of skin and brought nothing more to the table which is a total lie and at one point I started to believe this lie and then it led me to being quick to remarry to prove a point to others and to myself.
The thing is though, no one that I was trying to prove that point to even matters at the end of day. The second husband was a hardcore Christian, well, we were both raised Catholic and he just carried his to an extreme level lets put it that way. I know at one time he told that verbatim ” It was his Christian duty to tell me what I was doing wrong” then I lost some trust because at that point I felt that I had fallen victim to another game and that he was speaking for the team. It made sense to me.
I had never had that done or said to me before and with all of the trauma and Bible beatings I had taken prior to him, I immediately defaulted to believing that he was right in with the local hater team who hadn’t done their history lessons like I talked about earlier on. I don’t believe he was a bad guy at all.
I believe that he had aspects that he was dead-set on changing or else and wanted to use religion as a weapon in trying to change me. This is what I gathered in all of that. He was more loving to me than my first for sure, but was always wanting me to “change my whole life”. The point is that I wasn’t doing anything that needed changing. I don’t cheat, do drugs, drink outside of the rare social drink with friends, I never really understood what it was I was supposed to change except that he didn’t want me having anything to do with the entertainment industry.
It really made no sense because I am not even having sex on film in recent year. There was nothing to complain about or to attack me with religion over.There was nothing about me that I needed to change. He isn’t the worst either, just a very strange situation played out.
AZ: Do you consider yourself a Christian?
VT: I am spiritual. I feel like I am a lot more connected than the people who sit in church solely to gain justification of their undying need to judge everyone that walks and everything that moves. I am into different philosophies. Do I believe that Jesus existed historically, yes.
Do I believe that people have a right to torment good people over being famous pornstars and use the bible like a machete?? NO. It doesn’t even make sense for the reasons that I stated earlier. I went to Catholic school. I don’t sit in a church because I feel like I am spiritually connected enough to something that goes beyond that material items and the benches.
There is a difference in someone who is a radical Christian and someone who is very spiritual. I am open to other’s views. I don’t discount other ways of thinking. Brad Linaweaver thinks that I would be a Lutheran if anything. He has said this. I do believe in the ideas. I am an open and free thinker for the most part. Christians seem to terrorize people. Or at least the ones that I have met do. I don’t set out to terrorize anyone. I would never do that. Even if I were to call myself “Christian”, I would certainly be one like none that I have ever met !
AZ: What have you been doing the last few years?
VT: I have been really working hard on finishing up my BA, trying to keep things going as much as possible with my career, playing mommy, and really just trying to keep the mentally ill of Arkansas at bay and out of my hair as much as possible, but sometimes it gets hard when they get ballsy and bring it to your doorstep.
AZ: Are you dancing?
VT: I am not currently dancing anywhere. I love to dance though. I mean outside of strip clubs! I like to dance. I like to rock out to my favorite hard rock artists but I also like to dance . I like Madonna for this I guess. *smiling*
AZ: There was an interview you did with Shelley Lubben that kind of “tainted” your reputation as far as being a woman who wants to perform. Now I know we talked about some of the things you did in the interview you did with her years ago, but what was that all about? (see the Lubben interview here: and a story that was a retaliation to that interview titled “Shelley Lubben Has Fired Her Last Shot” here:
VT: I totally thought that all that I was doing was sharing my story on the incident with Red Light District and the names I don’t wish to mention again. Then it went from that, which to be honest I didn’t have a problem sharing that story again because it happened and it is the truth and I am always down to tell the truth.
To me it was like telling my neighbor or something. I didn’t even know who this Shelley person was. Then she wanted me to lie and stand with her and go on some talk show or event with her where I was supposed to agree with her that pornographic actors were the same as prostitutes and I had to completely shut her up and I put my foot down at that point.
That is when things turned ugly. I refused to lie. We clearly shared different views on this and I refused to lie for her. Pornographic actors are not prostitutes , in fact they are hardworking tax paying citizens doing their rightful duty for their country. “Pornstars are pornstars and prostitutes are prostitutes!
When I think of a a prostitute I think of this time I was over in Memphis with a friend and we stopped for gas and here comes this toothless woman in tattered clothes and who approaches my friend and offers him sex for the money in his pocket and he takes his pocket and rattles it and says to her “All that I have is the change in my pocket.” and she looks at him and smiles with her gums and says ” that is okay that will be good just whatever you got.”
That my friend is a bona fide prostitute! I can guarantee you that she was not paying taxes for her work. There is a line that separates her from the tax paying pornstars. There is a definitive line there and you can’t take the two and throw them together and say that they are one in the same, whoever did this would be lying. That is exactly why I had to disagree and turn down the offers from Shelley.
I do know that she seemed to have an obsession with the two being one in the same, which couldn’t be farther from the truth in my personal opinion. I do find it strange that someone had maliciously tagged that I was a prostitute to my wikipedia page which resulted in it being removed from the internet altogether, and I am in talks with an attorney over it now. Its hard to tell if it was some malicious act by some crazed Arkansas hater or the work of Shelley Lubben since it was tagged in 2011 I believe.
Either way it was libelous and false statements in print and I have a screen shot. I think Wikipedia is also at fault for allowing it to remain online like that and then removing my page instead of cleaning it up or contacting me the actual entity first. They are like dealing with a brick in the wall.
To be honest I could care less if I ever have another Wikipedia page after dealing with some of their unprofessionalism in this. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was Shelley, but I cant really say for sure since I have had so many vindictive things being done by so many crazed individual’s at once, it is just hard to try and pin it to one person, hopefully it will all come to the surface soon enough on it’s own and take care of itself. This is all that I can hope for.
AZ: What regrets do you have about that interview if any?
VT: The fact that it caused my story to be taken and used and twisted in a sense. I was only sharing the facts from my RLD experience. She also seemed reluctant to believe that I hadn’t used drugs etc. it was very offensive to me. I didn’t come from an abusive home either.The facts are what they are, I don’t like when someone is dead-set on making their own opinions of what is real and what isn’t when it comes to me , I mean I am me, I should know what goes on and what doesn’t. I just got really pretty offended with some of the things for sure.
AZ: So are you considering getting back into X rated films?
VT: I would think it would be cool to star in something like a Hustler “This Ain’t Elvira XXX” spoof . But I wouldn’t want to do any man I wouldn’t want to set myself for some type of repeat incident.
Not that I think that it would happen again, but still. Or maybe just do some sex tape with Marilyn Manson since we are both trying to have some comeback material. That would be fun. You never know there may be some hidden footage on these Silicon Assassin DVDs. They aren’t completed yet. There could be a DVD of the female characters getting nude. You never know. Anything is possible.
AZ: Who would you prefer to work with as far as directors or studios?
VT: I am really just wanting to work with people who take me seriously and overlook what is done and are serious about making some new material and seeing where it goes. I have met Lloyd Kaufman and they have been good to me. I know a girl here who worked with Charles Band.
Obviously the exploitation films/projects are good for me to try and pursue since they love girls who will get topless and run off naked screaming and clearly I don’t have an objection to nudity. If I could have a dream role , even if I were just an extra it would be in anything Tarantino put out, even if it was a five minute joke short and all I did was run across the screen naked and keep running….lol.
I am a big fan of his. I am a big fan of horror, sci fi, and fantasy because those are the types of films that I grew up watching. I just did a horror themed short in Dallas titled “The Mannequin” and some of the dialogue reminded me of Tarantino, I mean one line was like fifteen lines long, I was like okay you can do this Victoria..and it was a horror short where a mannequin comes to life and is a vampire type monster at the end. I thought it was different and cool, so I went to Texas and I worked on that.
Personally I think that I have a good look for the darker and underground cult film type of stuff. I wouldn’t be above working in an adult spoof either. I know there is a lot of bigger production type of stuff that goes on now that actually looks as good as anything in the movie theaters in my opinion. Really, I just want to be happy. I am usually happiest when I am working ..So really my goal is to stay busy as much as possible while I still can because nothing lasts forever.
AZ: Other than adult movies, what other types of acting would you like to do if you could?
VT: Well the types of films that I talked about above. I think that I bring a good package to the table for the B genre and the horror, sci fi stuff. This Silicon Assassin project is all sci-fi all the way, we zap people, we morph our looks, we aren’t human so it has been a taste of some of the type of work that I would like to be doing more of. It still isn’t totally finished and there is no telling what may come down the line once more people become interested and view the segments.
Don’t forget that I still do some modeling on the side ,too. I do charge for it and I have taken slack for it, too but I just say I have all of these real credits , I think that gives me full reign to demand some compensation for my time. I mean you wouldn’t get any other female adult stars/crossover starlets to stand around and take pictures for free unless they were at come con somewhere you know. I mean I do still make some cash at that ,too. I am proud of the fact that I am almost 33 and can still get paid for that type of work.
AZ: You and I have had conflicting views on the whole LA County Measure B vote. I was against it and you were for it and on election night emailed me saying you were happy that it passed. Now I think this goes beyond just mandatory condom use, enforced by the law, which would cost tax payers money to have Government employed “peeping Tom’s” popping up on the set, but how long till they are looking into our personal lives?
Overall I firmly believe that it’s another “invasion of privacy” which in this day and age we have little control over. Not to mention the financial impact it will eventually have on LA County if production does move. And I could go on, but this isn’t about me, so tell me why you so firmly believe in this new law passing.
VT: I was only looking out for the safety of the performers! I really didn’t want to read about another case of performers contracting HIV. They get paid to screw for a living! It is sad that there are actors out there who will still stroll for sex and out their fellow actors at risk.
I mean how much pussy does a man need?! I just didn’t ever want to read about another starlet contracting HIV because enough pussy wasn’t enough for some of those actors. That is all. I do believe that having people on set to enforce the condom use brings a whole new meaning to the intrusion of the government into lives of others!
I mean how does one hire for that position. Do they take an ad out on Craig’s list for high level government officials whose job is to watch people screw all day? How do you even go about all that?! I mean I’m sure there is no shortage of those who would love the job, I just find it to be intrusive and creepy . The law passed and they should trust that studios are enforcing it.
It seems like a crazy way to spend funds on the part of the government. I am happy that it passed only for the safety of the performer and that is it. I think it would be funny if studios tried to set up shop here and really give people something to bitch about since they found my work so ugly, I read that they were looking to move to outside states. I am a little evil minded I guess!
AZ: Okay, but how can you just blame the men for being “hyper sexual horn dogs”? I think we both know there are just as many women that share the same insatiable desires for sex. I think it’s unfair that you say ” I mean how much pussy does a man need?!” when it does go both ways.
VT: Well, when we hear of these HIV cases they tend to be traced to male performers who are having unprotected sex outside of the porn sets. We really don’t hear of any female to female HIV transmission cases in the industry.
Its just rare and really I am really zeroing in on the big last HIV crisis in what was it 2004-2005 ?! when several females contracted it after filming scenes with an infected male performer. Alex, I guess that you are right that some women do share that equal insatiable desire for sex as men do. I am just personally not one of them, well yet. I am also open to that possibility!
AZ: I read some blurbs online that you’ve been to rehab, now you can be honest with me, what when and why if so?
VT: I am assuming that you ran across the vindictive trashy libelous statements that are still sitting out there on which should be called because it is clearly what that website caters to.
I mean I had never even heard of the website prior to someone putting me on it and passing it around. It is completely sad that someone would do this to me in a town where I have a school aged child who attends school and I don’t bother anyone or meddle into anyone’s lives or business.
When I saw that and the rest of the libel on that website I totally blew a fuse. And what a piece of work that owner of that site is to run and operate something so full of hate and detrimental libelous statements, he houses damaging lies that can literally damage lives on his website.
He needs to be strung up in my opinion and I have brought some legal attention in this matter also and I will be speaking with them when I return from LA. Not only did they lie and trash my reputation, they also pulled my step father into it, because he appeared on the Howard Stern show with me on of my several appearances.
People like I said can’t refrain from mad like behavior when they are so jealous of something that they will never attain that they will stop at nothing to drag people down any way possible and they attacked me and even attacked my step-father who is also rightfully pissed and has expressed an interest in filing suit himself over him being mentioned.
We are very good, well educated, really kind of normal people and unfortunately when someone is a famous pornstar in Arkansas it just sends the ignorant on missions to just desemate any way possible and someone found this trashy website and used it as a way to literally damage my character as well as my stepfathers.
I would punch Nik Richie in the skull with brass knuckles if I ever got the chance and I would do it for me and everyone else who this scummy man allows to victimized on website. I am not sure how the bastard sleeps at night. Then again, he can’t possibly have much working upstairs for him because he would have been able to find another way to seek fame and fortune instead of operating something so damaging to people’s lives.
I would love to watch him bleed. Stick him in a Hostel 2 type of set up and let me snip off his dick, balls, and taint with clippers and do the world a favor on so many levels! Pretty please!
[Nik Lamas-Richie, born Hooman Abedi Karamian, known professionally as Nik Richie, is an American blogger, author, and Internet personality. Richie is best known for his controversial gossip website which he began in 2007 as
Nik Richie has been the subject of several lawsuits relating to material posted on He eloped with “The Bachelor” Season 12 winner, Shayne Lamas, daughter of Lorenzo Lamas. Using the name Corbin Grimes, he was the CEO of Capitol Imaging Group- an organization that was accused of scamming musicians, by promising to give big breaks to those who paid for them…and then failing to follow through. SOURCE TMZ
From 2009 A lawsuit filed against Richie and his Web site notes that the post includes a picture of a Cincinnati Bengals cheerleader, identified in the post as “Sarah J,” with the claim that her ex-boyfriend, “Nate,” cheated on her with more than 50 women and tested positive several times for chlamydia and gonorrhea. The author of the post suggests that “Nate” gave the diseases to “Sarah J.”
As if a few pesky STDs weren’t enough, the post also claims that “Sarah J,” who is also a schoolteacher in Northern Kentucky, had sex with “Nate” in her classroom at her Dixie Heights, Kentucky, school, the suit notes.
“Sarah J” iought unspecified damages. SOURCE:]
AZ: We got to hang out for a nice long weekend when we finally met in person years back and you didn’t drink, but I did. You know when I make it back to New Orleans I’ll be putting some back, are you going to join me?
VT: I will have a couple with you for good ol times sake. I like Jager , I like cheesecake shots, have you ever had one of those? They take like an actual piece of cheesecake. I don’t drink that much , but I don’t have anything against knocking back a shots with friends who have continued to be good to me after several years. That in itself is reason to drink up and celebrate ! There are some things that can’t be taken away and good rock n roll buddies are one of ‘em !
AZ: So what do you want for yourself in 2013?
VT: I haven’t even slowed down enough to even think about 2013. I think part of it is out of fear, I am so afraid that if I slow down for even 5 good minutes that it will give me time to break over my mother not being here. I just went through Halloween which is my favorite Holiday but it was also her birthday and now Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming up and really I don’t have much of a reason to celebrate this year.
It has been one of loss,trauma, and major life changes, and I have to work real hard as in over drive to stay strong for Sav and keep moving forward. I just keep having flashbacks of my mom wanting me to hold her hand and my little girls knees buckling and her hitting the floor when I told her that nanny wasn’t coming with us and how I would give anything to walk up her stairs and hand her a cup coffee just one more time. I will never forgive any of those who drove wedges during her final months of life over my adult film associations, they should be shot to be quite honest. My mom would still sit up in her bed and try and fight battles for me with the ignorant up until the very end because that is what moms do and that’s why life isn’t the same without them here.
I will probably spend more time learning about the West Memphis 3 case. At first I really didn’t know that much about the case and was surprised that Manson donated art to them but then I figured out why!!! This state is crooked to it’s core! I have been reading “The Devil’s Knot” and it is excellent so much so that I am actually giving a copy as a gift this weekend in LA .
Oddly, Paradise Lost 3 was the last film that my mother and I watched together. I find it sad that games played the State of AR could keep those guys behind bars for as long as they sat there on a case that was built on virtually no evidence. Then again, I have dealt with some strange situations here and can honestly back up the fact that there is very real and serious corruption that takes place in the state of Arkansas. I feel sorry both sides, the WM3 and the families of the little boys.
One thing about 2013 is that after a year like this one it is going to hit me hard. 2013 will be a year of almost complete uncertainty at least for me. I hate to admit it because I am not a big fan of uncertainty. So, I guess I could spin that into a slightly more positive statement by saying that 2013 will definitely be full of surprises and there is no doubt about that.
I know that I will be continuing to work with Richard and all of those involved on our current project and I believe the short I did will be showing at some festivals in 2013. Those are both good things.
I can only hope that 2013 is a year in which I continue to be able to work and be happy doing what I do and that it brings a lot more happiness and realness rather than so much surrealism and pain. We will just have to wait and see what happens next.
Interested parties may reach Victoria at