Honey White will be hosting Karaoke XXX this Tuesday – “XXX Porn Star that dances at Cheetahs in Las Vegas” – www.HoneyWhiteXXX.com
All Adult Film Stars are welcome. It is a place for the people in the porn industry from talent to adult related companies, just to have fun and network. Now our industry has a place to go every TUESDAY to meet more individuals in our line of work. Yes, there will be some outrageous moments and FANS are WELCOME. We want to invite EVERYBODY to our unique version of KARAOKE.
Also, if you are an adult film star and would like to host one Tuesday please email us [email protected]
· Ladies drink FREE from 9-10pm
· Giveaways and prizes throughout the night
· Shot Specials
Brando’s Bar & Grills
2973 Industrial Rd. Suite A, Las Vegas
(702) 733-0033