(LOS ANGELES, CA) — We have been working behind the scenes for the last couple of months to bring you a new and improved Top Pro Talent. Mike Gardner of WebMedia2000.net INC., has put together a very sharp site that is clean and much more efficient then the last one you have been enjoying.
Please keep in mind, what you see right now, is NOT the finished product. Only the template. Over the next week or so, you will see dramatic additions to the site that will help you enjoy reading and surfing on a daily basis.
While most features are the same, we are adding a couple of new things. First, we are making a sextion called “TPT-ON YOUR SIDE.” In this sextion, adult talent, producers, directors and/or other industry folks can reach out to the editors of Top Pro Talent in regards to someone or company that may have ‘wronged’ them in some capacity. Top Pro Talent’s On Your Side Crew will investigate the allegations and try to bring forth an amicable resolution. Second, we are adding a members sextion in the near future. A place that will not only feature behind the scenes looks at KSEXradio.com, but thousands of picture galleries, streaming video and more.
The NEWS and GOSSIP and day to day features will ALWAYS be FREE on Top Pro Talent. Fans will always be given a different perspective and the straight truth from our many writers, columnists and more.
Thank you for your patience as we re-launch Top Pro Talent. We look forward to growing with you over the cumming years.
Wayne C. Lewis,
Top Pro Talent