HATE MAIL – In a recent interview with Tawny Roberts, I asked her if she was attending the East Coast Video Show. She exclaimed back rather quickly, “NO!” I, sensing her lack of interest in the event, gave my two cents by replying that I would not be attending either. I even went so far as to say, “waste of time.” This comment seemed to have pushed a few buttons:
Brett Schwan of Wrestling Clothesline writes:
I just wanted to let “Mr” Lewis know that while the ECVS may be a waste of HIS time, for many of us in the video industry, it is our only chance to not only do business with so many at one time, but it is also our only chance to meet some of the girls whos videos we sell.
Not all of us are fortunate enough to live in or be able to travel to CA and Las Vegas so ECVS is very important to us.
His comments were insulting to many of the east coast video store owners and workers.
Well Brett, sorry I offended you. May I suggest some valium while you surf the web. The comments were not at all a dig at video store owners or workers, it was just a personal opinion from one person. For ME, attending that convention is a waste of time. It would’ve been the same response had she asked me if I was attending the local Dry Cleaners Convention…I have no interests there. Get it?
For those of you who may not find the East Coast Video Show a waste of YOUR time, get more information about the Atlantic City based show on their web site – HERE.