
Whiny Titty Babies Twitter Suspend Prominent Alt-Right Accounts, Have No Issues With Trump Death Threats From Angry, Violent Liberals!

Twitter released a new set of tools on Tuesday that could finally stop the unregulated craziness that happens on Twitter – Unless the “craziness” comes from liberals at which point they just let it go on. The ‘Mute Words’ feature gives the user the ability to mute certain words, phrases, hashtags, emojis, or usernames. Perfect for whiny titty baby liberals that can dish it out but can’t take it back in return.


Twitter suspended high-profile accounts associated with the alt-right movement, the same day the social media service said it would crack down on hate speech.

Among those suspended was Richard Spencer, who runs an alt-right think tank and had a verified account on Twitter.

Hulking linebacker Leslie Jones has made several bigoted comments on Twitter but has yet to be warned, suspended or removed from the site. Several death threats have been made @ Donald Trump since he sent career criminal Hillary Clinton out to pasture and nothing happens. So basically, if you’re black, gay or liberal, let it all fly and you won’t be punished. Have a non liberal viewpoint and you’re gone without warning. Offend a mentally ill psycho with time on their hands and they know they can comb through your tweets even if they are years old and get you suspended.


Twitter on Tuesday removed Spencer’s verified account, @RichardBSpencer, that of his think tank, the National Policy Institute @npiamerica, and his online magazine @radixjournal.

“I am alive physically but digitally speaking there has been execution squads across the alt right,” he said. “There is a great purge going on and they are purging people based on their views.”

In a statement, Twitter said: “The Twitter Rules prohibit targeted abuse and harassment, and we will suspend accounts that violate this policy.” No word on what will happen to accounts that make derogatory comments about white people or threaten to kill Donald Trump, support hate groups like Black Lies Matter and call for the killing of cops but we assume those accounts are safe and the owners of those accounts were probably sent bonus checks and gifts.

It declined to comment specifically on the suspensions, which included the accounts of Paul Town, Pax Dickinson, Ricky Vaughn and John Rivers.


Twitter was the platform of choice for the campaign of President-elect Donald Trump and the alt-right political movement that embraced him.

For years, Twitter billed itself as “the free speech wing of the free speech party.” But as the social media service grew, that hands-off approach contributed to a dramatic rise in abuse, harassment and hate speech. As the company’s user and revenue growth stagnated and public backlash increased, Twitter has in recent months begun to address complaints. After a bitterly divisive election, personal attacks and threats have only escalated. Keep in mind most of the hate speech comes from liberals and goes unchecked and unpunished. Opposing viewpoints are not welcomed and will get certain accounts banned. Like the whiny babies that they are, Twitter waited until their golden girl lost the election to put the new rules in place and suspend accounts. They dished it out but can’t eat their crow now that they lost.


Heidi Beirich, spokeswoman for the Southern Poverty Law Center, told USA TODAY that the center had asked Twitter to remove more than 100 accounts who violated Twitter’s terms of service and hurt her little feelings. She also pointed to two alt-right accounts that had been verified by Twitter, Spencer’s and Matthew Heimblach‘s.

Twitter says it verifies an account by giving it a blue check mark when “it is determined to be an account of public interest.” Twitter launched the feature in 2009 after celebrities complained about people impersonating them on the social media service.

“We are encouraged by the decisions taken by Twitter. Now it is a matter of whether they are carried out,” Beirich said after a long and grueling weekend of sitting home alone, stuffing her fat face and reporting tweets that offended her.


Twitter has suspended alt-right accounts in the past but never so many at once.

In one of the highest-profile bans, Twitter removed the account of Milo Yiannopoulos, a technology editor at the conservative news site Breitbart in July. He had engaged in a campaign in which hundreds of anonymous Twitter accounts bombarded Ghostbusters actress Leslie Jones with taunts after she posted racially hateful tweets. Before banning Yiannopoulos, Twitter stripped him of his verified status. Jones has yet to be punished and her racist tweets will continue until the end of time.


Spencer said he supported Yiannopoulos and didn’t think he should have been banned from Twitter.

“The fact is that I, and a number of other people who have just got banned, weren’t even trolling,” he said. “I was using Twitter just like I always use Twitter, to give people some updates and maybe to comment on a news story here and there.”

BREAKING: @RealJamesWoods has just quit Twitter over this and many more will follow. For starters, many of his 400,000+ followers will probably follow him out.


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