Psycho Babble writes: I cannot believe that anyone pays that much attention to Miss Love. Sure she can suck dick with the best of them, but in this business of porn, you would think she invented this stuff.
She fucked over her former “contract” girls, and got busted for scamming her money men, and claims to be an innocent victim. Just because you can open a bottle of beer with your teeth does not mean you can run a company or manage your money. There are many examples of that. We seem to forget that most of these girls do this cause they are lazy and do not want to work, or just simply are trash and they hate themselves so they let anyone fuck them for a dollar.
Shy Love (what a rediculous name btw) claims to be an accountant, a doctor, a laywer, she even thinks she invented sex, and I am sure she must have money in some 7-11’s and a travel agency somewhere.
She is worried about her “reputation.” Does she not realize that nobody in this business cares about her? She is is just a whore.