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Who is Pulling The Strings At The Adult Performer Advocacy Committee? Rob Black Says Follow The Money

It’s official.

The Adult Performer Advocacy Group (APAC) has launched and have released their first statement. We announced the formation of this group a couple of weeks ago, but this is their “official” statement.

Let’s read what they wrote on XBIZ:

“The Adult Performer Advocacy Committee (APAC) has officially announced its creation, stating its mission to maintain and improve safety and working conditions within the adult film industry. An organization created solely by performers, APAC gives adult industry talent organized representation in matters that affect performer health, safety, and community.”

“The mission of APAC is to provide representation for performers within the adult film industry, and to protect performers’ rights for a safer and more professional work environment. To that end, APAC will review existing health and safety protocols, and initiate new ones as needed; by creating unity amongst adult industry talent, APAC hopes to strengthen the industry’s ability to address current issues and concerns.”

“As part of the Committee’s launch, APAC released a “Porn 101” video. A DVD copy was released to all industry talent attending the recent Adult Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas. APAC will be releasing additional videos that will continue to educate industry performers, as well as the general public, on various aspects of sexual health and awareness.”

“Porn 101 is just the beginning in our endeavor to educate,” said performer Chanel Preston. “It’s important for us to help others gain a better awareness for their sexual health in and out of the industry. This will help keep our industry a safer place to work. We care about our health as performers and it’s time we take more control of it.”

“Resources will be made available to new and current adult industry performers in the way of continuing education and communication. Performer meetings will be held the first Sunday of every month; all performers are encouraged to attend and to get involved, so APAC may have a better understanding of performers’ needs and wants, concerns, and suggestions to better the industry as a whole.”

“I think that performer education and support are two of the most needed resources for our industry, and I’m happy to do what I can to contribute,” said performer Jessica Drake. “I love the idea that APAC is for the performers by the performers, and not affiliated with any other organizations. I encourage all performers who want to be involved to reach out to us, come to a meeting, and share your thoughts and concerns to help better the business of which we’re all a part.”

“Through education amongst performers and the greater adult film industry community, development of ethical best practices, and a fostering of solidarity, APAC is committed to working cohesively with all aspects of the adult entertainment industry and the public. APAC’s goal is to strengthen unity between all performers, and to maintain a work environment where workers are valued, respected, and educated.”

Now, you know they just stepped in a big pile of shit, right guys? Let me explain this to you. People in the adult industry will, or course, bypass all of this bullshit because all they do is create smoke and mirrors and subterfuge.

I’ve said it before, Jessica Drake is a great woman, beautiful, but she opens herself up to getting a hot poker in the eye. Jessica Drake says : “I love the idea that APAC is for the performers by the performers, and not affiliated with any other organizations.”

My question is who owns this organization? Who owns APAC? It’s a non profit, so somebody’s name need to be on the paperwork for a non profit. What is the corporate structure? Who controls the checkbook? Money that comes in has to be deposited into a bank account. Who controls that? Who works in the office? Who is in charge of setting up meetings? Who is controlling all of the aspects? I would like Jessica Drake to tell us. She says it’s controlled by the talent and no other organization. So who is named in the corporation? Who is the leadership? It’s not a dot org, it’s a dot com. What the fuck is this?

There is a Bank of America account listed on the website. In order to open an account somebody needs to go into the bank and set up the account. So who did that? Whose name is on the account? This organization is going to have to file tax returns. Who is filing the tax returns?

Jessica Drake, you made a statement in this press release. As a concerned member of the adult community, I would like some questions answered. What is the corporate structure and who are the officers of the corporation? When we find this out, we will know whether or not it’s affiliated with any other organization.

When you send a donation to 7095 Hollywood Blvd. #414, Hollywood, CA 90028, does that check go to and office? To a residence? To a P.O. box? It can’t just be an address made up out of the fucking blue. Whose name is this address in? Does anybody have that fucking information? Can any of the super sleuth bloggers go and find that out? When someone opens a P.O. box, they have to go to a places like MailBoxes Plus or some of the others and go and present themselves, fill out paperwork, give them money and are given the keys to the mailbox. Who physically did that?

The APAC also accepts wire transfers. A wire transfer is money directly deposited into a bank account, like they did in the movie Swordfish where they wired millions of dollars. That was a movie. These days, with terrorism funding being such a big deal, someone has to present themselves in person, show ID and enable the wire transfers. If it is a corporation, an LLC or a non profit, you have to show your corporate paperwork. Who is the person who did that?

A corporation or an LLC needs officers, unless it’s a sole proprietorship. A non profit needs to list its board members. Who are they?

I’ve been accused of being venomous and evil in questioning certain things. People say that when I demand answers, I do it in a mean way. So I’m trying to ask these questions in the nicest possible way. I’m trying.

But again, Jessica Drake says

“I think that performer education and support are two of the most needed resources for our industry, and I’m happy to do what I can to contribute,” said performer Jessica Drake. “I love the idea that APAC is for the performers by the performers, and not affiliated with any other organizations. I encourage all performers who want to be involved to reach out to us, come to a meeting, and share your thoughts and concerns to help better the business of which we’re all a part.”

She also says that meetings are being held the first Sunday of every month. That would be this Sunday. Where are these meetings being held? Will it be held at a studio? If it’s a studio, there is an affiliation with an outside group. There’s bias there. If it’s held at a private residence, who owns the house? If it’s held at a banquet hall or meeting room, who rented the space? They had to whip out a checkbook and write out a check to secure the location. Who did that?

Somebody has to be organizing the is. Somebody has to be the boss of this. Are Jessica Drake and Chanel Preston the owners of the APAC, or are they just the figureheads? Are they just the Lee Harvey Oswalds? The patsies? What is it? If somebody could answer these questions, I’d be more than happy to listen and understand.

I’m trying to ask these questions in the nicest way possible so people don’t get their panties in a bunch because Rob Black is a big bad meanie. So if somebody could answer the big bad meanie, I would appreciate it very much. Or if some of the super sleuths on the other websites, Mike South, Kelli Roberts, if they could answer. They are super sleuths and have super sleuth message board warriors. If some of those guys could fill me in on some of this, that would be great.

A rather interesting pairing of spokeswomen Jessica Drake and Chanel Preston. Another example of a porno odd couple. Jessica Drake plays safe, Chanel Preston does not. One wears condoms and has a select few male talent that she performs with and she speaks at colleges. The other has a pimp named Mark Spiegler who sends her out on gang bangs for Dogfart and does creampies, take multiple loads in her orifices and other acts that are as unsafe as possible. These are the two performers in the forefront of advocating performer safety. OK. Makes no sense, but our industry’s never made sense. Our industry’s never done anything that is logical. It never has and it never will.

While they don’t state it explicitly, the APAC is fashioned after a union. It’s a performer advocacy group. Here’s my next question. If I am a young performer who has a problem with a studio, who is my advocate? Who is the person that I talk to about the problem that I’m having? A performer says I was on a set and they were mean to me and treated me horribly. Who do I go to? More importantly, a performer says her agent Derek Hay is taking advantage of her and she wants recourse. Who does she see about that? Because whatever advocate that handles this situation needs to have no affiliation with a talent agency. Is someone going to answer that question for me? Or is Rob Black just talking gibberish?

There’s not even a phone number. Does anyone else find that bizarre? The only way to contact them or get any information is through an email or a newsletter. So if someone has a problem with Derek Hay and he is threatening them like he does, a 19 year old girl is being abused by Derek Hay, there’s not a real live person they can talk to? They have to email? Do they call Chanel Preston? Or Jessica Drake? Who does she contact?

Help me, guys. I need the super sleuths like Mike South and Kelli Roberts and others who post under fake names to help me out here. Help me understand. What is the APAC and who is their leadership? Who are the people that the young performers are supposed to talk to about issues that they have?

Again, here is their mission statement:

“The mission of APAC is to provide representation for performers within the adult film industry, and to protect performers’ rights for a safer and more professional work environment.”

And again, who is their representation? Let’s say I am a performer and my agent Mark Spiegler sent me on a set to blow Richard Nanula. I am very upset that I was sent on a private that Mark Spiegler knew about. I try to call APAC but they don’t have a phone number. She emails? Who is going to get back to her? Does she call Chanel Preston?


“Hi Chanel, Mark just sent me on a private with Richard Nanula and I’m very upset.”

“Speigs? Did you make a lot of money?”

“Yeah, Spiegs. Money’s not the issue, I didn’t know it was a private and I’m distraught.”

“Well, what do you want me to do? Do you want me to talk to Spiegs and see if he’ll get you some more work? He can get you a beating session with Victor. All of us girls love to do it. Ask Skin Diamond.”

Who is this young performer’s advocate? Who is this young performer supposed to talk to?

I love Jessica Drake, but once again she is being used as a fuck puppet to spew out whatever bullshit they want her to say. Chanel Preston doesn’t really have a clue what’s going on. She’s just a shill. But Jessica Drake is a forty year old woman who has been in this business for years and you’re spouting things that make you look incredibly retarded. The statement that opens up the Jessica Drake fuckpuppet for a mouthfucking is:

“I think that performer education and support are two of the most needed resources for our industry, and I’m happy to do what I can to contribute.”

“I love the idea that APAC is for the performers by the performers, and not affiliated with any other organizations. I encourage all performers who want to be involved to reach out to us, come to a meeting, and share your thoughts and concerns to help better the business of which we’re all a part.”

Jessica Drake. Who is “us?” Chanel Preston? James Deen? Really?

In real world terms, a union has delegates. Someone who addresses the issues of the members. Who are the performers’ delegates? Who addresses their concerns and issues? If I am a performer, who is my rep? I am part of the APAC and I wanna know who is my rep. Who do I call when I’m on set and someone wants to put a bloody penis in my mouth on a Kink shoot? When people are pressuring me to finish the scene. When they grumble about the people and the location and I feel pressured to continue, who do I call? Who is on speed dial that I can call and let them know what’s gong on? And what are they gonna do about it?

Does anybody have an answer to that? Does anybody have a phone number I can use?


I’m being abused on a Kink set. I have to stop and email? Send them a message and wait for them to hit me back? By that time, is it moot? Have I already performed with the bloody dick in my mouth?

Will anybody answer these questions? No, they won’t. Because if they do, it will became apparent that APAC is a sham. It is a bullshit organization that is back ended and affiliated with Diane Duke and Free Speech Coalition. It’s bullshit. Just another subterfuge for the agents, owners and other scumbags in the leadership of porn. It has affiliations with Derek Hay and Mark Spiegler. Bet on it.

It’s very easy to disprove this. As Deep Throat of Watergate fame said, “Follow the money.” See who signed the bank accounts and corporate records. Who owns the mailing address? If people who are affiliated with any other group are on these records, then everything Jessica Drake said is a lie.

And if Jessica Drake is lying, why would anyone trust an advocacy group that lies in their first press release?

Who shot the video and edited it and replicated it? Can someone answer that? Who paid for the location? I can’t imagine Jessica Drake and Chanel Preston negotiated all of this for free. They gave them out at the show. Who paid for them? Who brokered that deal? Because it appears that Chanel Preston and Jessica Drake are the bosses of APAC. Who did they blow to get free APAC giveaway discs?

So I’m calling on the bloggers, the super sleuths, my fans , whoever is out there that want to know the answer to the burning question: Who is pulling the strings at APAC? I’m sure everybody will find out very soon. I know who is. And so do you. Unless you’re a retard.

Is it Nina Hartley? Asa Akira? Jessica or Chanel? The Starr Sisters, who have already battled with Derek Hey? I’m trying to think of all of the smart, strong, independent women of the business. Let me think… Charity Bangs? Remy LaCroix? Lisa Ann? Lisa Ann took on Derek Hay in the Alex Gonz saga that nobody ever addressed and it was swept under the rug. Is it Lisa Ann?

I heard it was a certain woman lawyer that has represented Derek Hay. If that’s the case, Jessica’s claim of no other affiliation is bullshit and she is a liar. The first APAC press release is a complete lie. We all know the Free Speech Coalition, the agents and the corrupt structure of this business is behind this sham organization. We all know it. We fucking know it.

I wonder if anyone at the APAC meeting on Sunday will have the balls to stand up and demand answers to these questions. It would be nice if somebody would ask, “Who’s paying for all of this and what are you gonna do for us? If I have a problem with an agent or producer will you step in and help? Will you ever get a phone?”

I wouldn’t hold my breath for an answer. You already know the answer.

APAC is a front for Free Speech Coalition, agents and producers. It doesn’t truly represent performers and never will.

Prove me wrong, super sleuth bloggers.

Follow Rob Black on Twitter @RealRobBlack Email: [email protected]


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