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Whois XXXstarpr? Cindi spiegler? Howard cohen? Cindi spiegler = Howard cohen = xxxstarpr?

Well guys I am back that’s for sure and now that I am back the shit is flying all over the Gene Ross headquarters in all directions. I am getting people fly out of the wood works PMing me and emailing all kinds of crazy shit to put up but don’t have the time to put it all up yet. Here is a conversation between me and someone who wants to stay anonymous behind a fake name, which is fine by mine. Remember guys unlike other sites you can submit press and comment and even post on our forum totally anonymous and we don’t track IP’s either. You dont even need a account to comment or submit press right to the front page here

This is not like other mafia run sites that lock everything down.

Next up is Shy Love, vipconnect hookery, Her being Mike Souths number one source, her taxes, and a ton more about her. Don’t miss it!


Zack Kobel

i. Might have. Info on who bosco is

Zack Kobel

I THINK bosco was Cindi spiegler who is now xxxstarPr.

Gene Ross

I think its Sean

Gene Ross


Gene Ross

I think Cindi Spiegler is Sean no?

Zack Kobel


Gene Ross

who is Cindi Spiegler then

Zack Kobel

U can find all ur answers on twiiter. check timeline. Going back to january, I. think. She was working with xxxstarpr.

Zack Kobel

I. think bosco is a guy. In michigan.

Gene Ross

interesting cause Michigan is one of the places Sean might me hiding

Zack Kobel

gimme a couple minutes. I will send u pics I got from tracys timeline.

Gene Ross

cool thanks

Zack Kobel

i am 99% sure. Bosco and Sean are 2 diffrent ppl.

Gene Ross


Zack Kobel

but u should search tracys timeline from January to about march,,,u will find ur answers.

Gene Ross

others are saying otherwise

Zack Kobel
Zack Kobel
Zack Kobel

these picks were on tracys timeline

Zack Kobel
Gene Ross

brb phone

Zack Kobel
Zack Kobel
Zack Kobel
Zack Kobel
Zack Kobel

Kendra lust lives in michigan. thats y i think xxxstar pr is in michigan too.

Gene Ross

phone brb

Gene Ross

phone brb

Gene Ross

ok back let me read

Gene Ross

Ok I think best to post this all on my site and let people comment about it yea?

Zack Kobel

Ok. I Like Sean but I don’t like xxxstarpr. think he’s a keyboard warrior. i am pretty positive xxxstar pr = Cindi spiegler

Gene Ross

But I think thats Sean also

Zack Kobel

its not. look at Kendra lust tweets.

Zack Kobel

xxxstarpr is that Howard cohen guy

Gene Ross

I was told that someone paid a fat fanboi to run around exotica and say he was “Boscoe from xxxstarpr” and that a girl started to ask him about it and he couldnt answer cause he was paid to run around the show and be the front

Gene Ross

so it is possible that Kendra was also paid

Gene Ross

just saying

Zack Kobel

I don’t agree.

Gene Ross

It will come out and maybe your right

Gene Ross

i will put all this on my site and please comment on it in the comments

Zack Kobel


Zack Kobel
Zack Kobel
Zack Kobel

heres a couple more

Gene Ross

send it all and when your done ill post it

Gene Ross

or better yet

Gene Ross

can you send it all in a story here

Gene Ross

if not ill copy it over

Zack Kobel

i also remember reading on here sean lives in washington, not in michigan

Zack Kobel

can u copy it all over. I’d rather not. write a story. thank u

Gene Ross

Yea I read that also

Gene Ross

LOL Sure

Gene Ross

My site doesnt track IP’s so anything u post your anonymous

Zack Kobel

also one more important thing,,,check when cindi spiegler stopped tweeting and when xxxstarPR started tweeting. too convenient.seems like cindi speigler = bosco= xxxstarpr

Zack Kobel

also in my. Opinion,, Sean can’t be Cindi spiegler. sean has bad grammar. all of cindi’s tweets were well written with no spelling Mistakes.

Zack Kobel

I was in Vegas at avn and saw bosco too.

Gene Ross

Yea someone told me it was xbiz and he was a fat fanboi paid to play the roll

Zack Kobel

it was definitely AVN. the key is ‘s tweets. i don’t think she has any reason to lie, she seems like a straight shooter in my opinion.

Gene Ross

ok cool

Cindi Spiegler = A friend of Sean Tomkins and  Michael Whiteacre aka Ari Bass. Michael Whiteacre took control over the Cindi Spiegler twitter account and was using it to try and solicit girls for XXX star PR.

Who does Michael Whiteacre work with? TRPWL.

See the connection yet? Let me draw you a line.trpwl

This was March of 2015. Sean Tompkins has been claiming that for years he has had no association with Michael Whiteacre. Guess we see that’s not true.


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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. I met Sean Tompkins in person at AVN 2015, he doesn’t seem to be the type of person who would hide behind a fake identity to talk shit about people.

    I want to know who Cindi Speigler is also! This piece of shit talked shit about me & I never did anything to him/her. Why be such a coward and talk shit from fake identity? This stupid bitch talked shit about Monica Foster hiding behind fake identities.

  2. Cindi Spiegler = ex-girlfriend of Michael Whiteacre. Michael Whiteacre took control over the Cindi Spiegler’s twitter account and was using it to try and solicit girls for XXX star PR.

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