Redgoat posts on I was actually the last caller on Howard to talk to Bree today.
She was in jail for three years for ketchup-ing a house?( When she was 13)
She is pre-med Biology, and she wants to go back when she is done in porn.(Sure)
Petey is a “fake ” name, obviously.
I asked her about her “stalkers”, and she said that she has many, and that she has been taking care of that. She then commented that she couldn’t even believe that I was bringing that up. She just finished talking about getting her head shoved in a toilet, but can’t believe that someone wants to talk about her private life.
She owns a Glock, because she is in a very dangerous business, and she needs to protect herself.
I mentioned that trouble follows her wherever she goes, and Howard commented that “she’s in the porn business”, you have to expect that”.
I was then cut off after I started to talk about how the timelines she is giving about certain things were fucked up.
That she is never “home” , and does not have time to have a relationship.
I guess my curiosity got the best of me, and I wanted to call in.
I am on at the two hour and ten minute mark, or so.