You wanna be a porn star? Better yet do you want to collect your money from the Sex Survivor shoot of several years ago? I’m told that the wonderful folk who brought you all the drama from Sex Survivor are currently shooting the next 20 days on Laurel Canyon Blvd. in Studio City.
Pat Siciliano of Sex Survivor [he was partnered with Michael Caruso aka Michael Garfield] is helming the Wanna Be a Porn Star project and Lance Robbins is the middle man who put it together. We’re told there’s still a lot of people owed money from Sex Survivor, particularly crew payroll which could be as much as $44,000. Besides that, it took months and months for some of the talent to be compensated. And some, we’re told, never got paid. Michele Raven also sustained major injuries on that shoot.
We’ll be more than happy to supply the address of the shoot to anyone who feels that they’re still owed money.