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To the good old PWL members

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It's time to think what will be next step and how to move on after the crash. Is the answer this forum or some other way? Sign in here and let's think.

Classico JPH, gdpholic and Clint have reacted to this post.
Classico JPHgdpholicClint

We will start here but I don't trust this mother fucker one fucking second. So before we say anything about where we are gonna go lets get a feel for here first. See if this cunts no mod policy is legit. He's got some fucking explaining to do in the meantime.

Classico JPH and kotor1515 have reacted to this post.
Classico JPHkotor1515

You and the others all have the first link i sent you. Any major decisions or moves should be discussed there if its a group thing and emails if needs to be private. I'm working on something and hopefully i can have it up and running mid September.  I'm out of town working right now but will be back in the city tomorrow and have the weekend off. I'm dedicating that time to this "cause" BE VERY MINDFUL OF YOU SAY HERE M8

Classico JPH has reacted to this post.
Classico JPH

Please posting GDP again

Classico JPH and Mike Hammer have reacted to this post.
Classico JPHMike Hammer

While thinking the social side. Thinking to find a new home/way to be socially active and share among the people who have same type of interests, I have some background work to do.

My first step is to extract the names to a clean form from the archives. Yeah, I can tell it's pretty much all there, says the BB whatever, all not online at the moment, but it's there. Easily 15000 names. But the editing, extracting and cleaning takes time. Over 4000 pages to go through. I think the others as well have made similar type of secure actions.

Classico JPH and sammy88 have reacted to this post.
Classico JPHsammy88

Hi guys, nice to see you again!

Donny Long Armed Forces, felipealou and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
Donny Long Armed ForcesfelipealouClassico JPHMike Hammer

Welcome back.

Classico JPH has reacted to this post.
Classico JPH

Hi all,

FYI - I posted on this site a few days ago the list of 1286 names, the latest GDP list, my outed names, Kaca's outed names, Ringo Star's outed names and a couple other long lists from PWL and it was deleted the next day.


Classico JPH, Clint and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
Classico JPHClintsammy88casperESA

I have it all, no worries. It just takes some time to combine the names together to a uniform plain style.

Names only. Not the social media links at the moment, but if you have posted those, the info is saved.

If someone is willing to help, I can zip some files to go through. About 3700 of them.

It's a matter of days, not months to go those through by yourself, but if it's shared. It's a matter of hours. 3700 divided by let's say 10, 20, 30 people... 130-370 pages per a person. I managed to go through about 120 pages per hour.

Like FoT said. Be careful. Let's think if this is the right place. This is the only one at the moment which allows real names as a mass in public.

It's sad that there isn't private messages (or is there, I'm not aware?). All the other places where I'm registered there is.

Classico JPH and sammy88 have reacted to this post.
Classico JPHsammy88
Quote from felipealou on August 30, 2019, 11:01 pm

Hi all,

FYI - I posted on this site a few days ago the list of 1286 names, the latest GDP list, my outed names, Kaca's outed names, Ringo Star's outed names and a couple other long lists from PWL and it was deleted the next day. So much for "un-moderated forum."



Hi Felipe,

unmoderated sounds good. But a unmoderated forum just means all new topics & replies to that forum will go live immediately and won't require any moderator approval. Unfortunately, it doesn't mean that we can post what we want with the claim that it will not be deleted.


Quote from Kaca on August 30, 2019, 11:45 pm

[..] Be careful. Let's think if this is the right place. [..]

It's sad that there isn't private messages (or is there, I'm not aware?). All the other places where I'm registered there is.


I do not think this is the right place. I agree with FoT in his first post above.

There is no PM here. We have to find other solutions.


felipealou has reacted to this post.
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